Mechanical Analysis and Design
The Mechanical and Analysis Design area covers the development and use of mechanical simulation tools needed for design and verification of mechanical system.
The research and work developed in this area are within the context of Computational Solid Mechanics, Mechanical Modeling, Numerical Methods – Finite and Boundary Elements, Design Optimization Techniques, Fatigue and Damage, Fracture Mechanics, Composite Materials, Reliability, among others.
In the Mechanical and Analysis Design area, we search for the development of tools for mechanical simulation and its theoretical and numerical foundations, working towards the growth of the capacity of analysis and resolution of real, complex problems, whether they are industrial or multidisciplinary.
Lines of Research
- Computational Solid Mechanics
- Finite Element Method
- Design Optimization
- Numerical Simulation of Composite Materials
- Fracture and Fatigue Mechanics
- Damage Mechanics
- Structural Reliability
- Structural Dynamics
Carlos Rodrigo de Mello Roesler, Dr.Eng. (2006, UFSC – Brazil)
Edison da Rosa, Dr.Eng. (1991, UFSC – Brazil)
Eduardo Alberto Fancello, D.Sc. (1993, COPPE/UFRJ – Brazil)
Paulo de Tarso Rocha Mendonça, Ph.D. (1995, Univ. Minnesota – USA)
Ex professores:
Domingos Boechat Alves
Carlos Alberto Campos Selke
GRANTE – Mechanical and Analysis Design Group
Supervisor: Paulo de Tarso Rocha de Mendonça
E mail:
Phone: +55 (48) 3721 9899