This page has gathered some useful information about the academic life of POSMEC master’s students. It is for guidance purposes and does not replace the POSMEC 2011 Regulation or the Graduate Normative Regulation (95/CUn/2017). YOUR TRANSCRIPT, AVAILABLE AT CAPG, CONTAINS A NUMBER OF INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR SITUATION WITH POSMEC, IT IS THE STUDENT’S DUTY TO CHECK HIS/HER TRANSCRIPT PERIODICALLY.
Master’s Admission: The admission to the master’s program is done by publishing a specific public call. Two public calls are published annually, one in May (for entry in August – 2nd semester) and the other in October (for entry in March of the following year – 1st semester). Upon enrollment at CAPG and forwarding the required documentation within the period stipulated in the publication, the candidate will be evaluated by an evaluation committee, designated according to the intended concentration area.
Enrollment (POSMEC academic calendar deadline)
Only the first enrollment: When entering POSMEC, print the FIRST enrollment application – regular students e and talk to a professor in the concentration area belonging to the POSMEC Delegate Council in which you were selected, for guidance on the courses that should be taken during the term. For the effective enrollment, the student must deliver the signed application to the program’s administrative office on the dates specified in the academic calendar for new students.
Enrollment of Regular Students in POSMEC Courses: Enrollment is processed via CAPG in the periods defined by the Academic Calendar on the dates for regular students of the program. Every master’s student must enroll in each academic term in no less than 4 credits. After completing the minimum number of credits (18) with a performance index of no less than 7.0, the master’s student must enroll in Thesis in every academic term (even if s/he requested an extension).
POSMEC Regular Students – Enrollment in courses from other UFSC programs: The student must print the Application form for regular POSMEC students in OTHER PROGRAMS (available in the Forms link), fill in the course details, obtain the signature of the Supervisor and forward it via email ( to POSMEC during the registration period of the other program.
Enrollment in POSMEC courses for Regular Students of other graduate programs: Students register at the administrative office of their own program, with the respective form, but on the registration period of POSMEC’s regular students.
Adjustment and Cancellation of Enrollment
The enrollment adjustment is done using the Application for enrollment ADJUSTMENT – regular students, completed and forwarded to POSMEC ( on the dates specified in the academic calendar, after the supervisor or professor in the area of concentration (when the student does not have a supervisor) sign it.
Enrollment in one or more courses can be canceled with the consent of the supervisor. The cancellation must be requested via CAPG. We do not accept late cancellation, since it is done online. The cancellation of courses is exclusive to regular students, who have access to CAPG.
Minimum Number of Credits
Full-time students must be enrolled in each academic term in at least 4 credits, as previously mentioned. They must also complete a minimum of 18 credits to defend the thesis and 15 credits to defend the master’s thesis project. To finish the master’s degree, the student must complete 24 credits (18 + 6 of the thesis). Enrollments in a smaller number of credits may be authorized by the Program Coordination in special cases. To do so, the student must send a written request to the POSMEC office stating his/her reasons, which may be included in the enrollment application. It is necessary to have the supervisor’s consent.
Master’s Thesis Project
Every full-time master’s student must prepare, deliver and defend his/her Master’s Thesis Project (MTP) before 12 months of the student’s entry into POSMEC. The student must have shown proficiency in English and completed 15 credits. At this point, the supervisor must already have been chosen.
The deadline for delivering the MTP Examining Committee Application to POSMEC e for presentation are provided in the Academic Calendar.
The defense of the MTP must be scheduled directly with the supervisor, before the 12 months of admission. The supervisor must print and take, on the day of the defense, two sheets of the MTP evaluation form (MTP Presentation Report), which must be delivered together, after the defense, at the POSMEC office.
The form, content and other specificities of the MTP are regulated through the MTP Resolution (02-POSMEC-2014). POSMEC has prepared some guidelines to help you in the process of preparing and presenting your MTP: Tips for better writing and Tips for oral presentations.
Foreign Language Proficiency
Students will be required to show proficiency in English. Foreign POSMEC students must also show proficiency in Portuguese. No student in debt with foreign language proficiency requirements may defend his/her master’s thesis.
English language proficiency can be shown with the TOEFL score, with at least 47 points in the reading test, or by taking the DLLE/CCE/UFSC exam. The student who does not show proficiency will not be allowed to defend his/her thesis. Courses with more than 60 class hours can be assessed to prove proficiency.
Deadline for Master’s Completion
The regulatory deadline for completing the master’s at POSMEC is 24 months. All courses are expected to be completed by the end of the first academic year, for students with full time dedication. Thereafter, the development of the research work, the preparation and defense of the thesis must be carried out by the end of this period, in the last 12 months, when the student already has the 18 credits, s/he must enroll in Thesis in all terms until the defense. Objectivity and dedication are elements of great impact for success.
Completing the master’s within the regular deadline is the best alternative for the student, the supervisor and for POSMEC. After this deadline, and if there is a good justification, it is possible to request an extension. In cases of force majeure, up to 12 months of extension may be granted. However, there is no possibility to extend the scholarships administered by POSMEC beyond the regulatory period of 24 months. The only exception for pregnant women.
The request for extension must be made by the supervisor, in a specific form (Extension Form), containing the justification for the extension, attaching the schedule of activities for the period. The maximum extension time is 12 months, and the minimum is one term, or 2 months. The evaluation of the extension time is the responsibility of the program coordinator. Dates referring to the extension are available for consultation in the student’s transcript at CAPG, and the student must be updated in relation to these dates, informing them to his/her supervisor.
Leave of Absence
In cases of force majeure, or due to particular impediments, the master’s student may request a leave of absence, as long as the supervisor allows it. During this period, the master’s student will not be able to take courses, defend the thesis or complete any formality related to the program. The period related to the leave of absence is not counted for the maximum time for completing the master’s. The minimum leave of absence is one term, and the maximum is 12 months. It is not possible to request a leave of absence in the first and last academic term, or in periods of extension. If the student is a scholarship holder, the scholarship will be canceled when the leave of absence is requested. Courses taken during the leave of absence cannot be validated.
The leave of absence can only be requested during the registration period, at the beginning of the term.
Obs.: Students from 2015 onwards will have the extension and leave of absence period added up, for example: 1) if the student requests a 12-month leave of absence, s/he will no longer be able to request an extension (Regulation 95/2017), 2) if the student requests a 6-month leave of absence, s/he will only be able to request a 6-month extension.
Leave of Absence Form
Currently, the student who requests withdrawal (there is no form, the request is made with a justification signed by the supervisor) within the regular deadline (without extension) has the right to request, through new participation in the admission selection process, the validation of the courses in which s/he has been approved. However, the decision on validation is left to the analysis committee. The deadline for validating courses is currently up to 10 years from completion. The student who is about to be dismissed may not request withdrawal.
The student will be dismissed from the program due to insufficient performance when:
- S/he stops enrolling for two consecutive periods, without requesting a leave of absence;
2. If s/he fails in two courses;
3. When the maximum period for finishing the program has expired;
4. If s/he fails the thesis defense.
The student who is dismissed from the program loses the right to validate course credits and other completed events in the case of a new request to enter the program, since the dismissal is a punitive measure.
Each master’s student must have a supervisor accredited by POSMEC. The supervisor is usually selected within the first or second term. At the latest, the definition must be prior to the beginning of the preparation of the Master’s Thesis Project (MTP). The supervisor will guide the student in choosing the courses necessary to develop the agreed work plan, as well as in all phases of the development of the research and the thesis. The supervisor’s formalization will take place with the defense of the MTP.
The change of supervisor is allowed, either at the student’s or at the supervisor’s initiative. To request a supervisor or a change of supervisor, simply contact the POSMEC office. The inclusion of a co-supervisor will be done on request, with the supervisor’s knowledge, at any time, with the approval of the Council.
Master’s Thesis
The master’s thesis is the written document in which the developments and contributions of the research work developed within the scope of the master’s will be registered. It must be written with scientific rigor, in Portuguese.
The Delegate Council may authorize the use of the English language. POSMEC provides a Model for Dissertation and Thesis (Microsoft Word) that should preferably be used. There is also the Model for Dissertation and Thesis in LATEX.
The master’s thesis must be defended by the student before an Examining Committee, composed of the Supervisor (president) and two other members, at least one of whom is external to the program (Check the Examining_Committee_Guidelines). The composition of the evaluation committee must be requested by the supervisor in a specific form (Evaluation Committee Application for the Council) and must be approved by the Delegate Council before the defense. It is recommended that the request for approval by the evaluation committee be forwarded to the POSMEC Office at least 30 days in advance of the expected defense date.
The defense is public. It starts with a 50-minute presentation made by the student about his/her work. It is followed by the oral examination from each member of the evaluation committee. The attending public also has the opportunity to speak up. Then, the evaluation committee deliberates in private on whether to approve the work. The minute is taken, and a requirements document is prepared, with the changes that the examining committee may require to be incorporated in the final version of the master’s thesis.
POSMEC has prepared some guidelines to help you in the process of preparing and presenting your Master’s thesis: Tips for better writing and Tips for oral presentations.
Attention: there is no second chance to defend the thesis. In case of failure, the master’s student is dismissed from the program.
Undergraduate thesis (UT) validated as Master’s Thesis Project
In order to be validated as MTP (Master’s Thesis Project), in addition to fulfilling the undergraduate program’s criteria, the document must contain the MTP elements, as described in POSMEC Regulation. It is important that the examining committee is selected according to these criteria. Based on this standard, it is possible to verify that the MTP is a simpler document than the UT, because MTP is propositional. Therefore, the UT must contain the elements of schedule and expected financial need (if applicable) for the master’s degree. For validation, once the UT defense has taken place, the committee professors must complete the MTP assessment sheets prepared by POSMEC and deliver it to the POSMEC office.
To download the MTP evaluation file, access this link.
Following these procedures, UT approval will be valid as MTP.
Defense Steps and Master’s Diploma
For the Master’s Thesis defense:
- The supervisor must indicate the examining committee to POSMEC (Master’s Examining Committee Application– Supervisor area) on the respective dates to be considered at the Council meeting (first Wednesday of each month):
- 2. After the approval of the committee by the Council, if there is interest in the rooms managed by the Department (meeting rooms and auditorium), the place, date and time of the defense should be scheduled on the website If you have questions, please call 3721 7612/3721 9721 or 3721 9225. Other rooms are at the discretion of the interested party.
- 3. After reserving a room, send the Master’s Defense Request Form (available at “Forms”) to informing the defense data (place, date, time, concentration area, date of approval in the Council, examination committee, summary and keywords) in word format. We ask you to send it 20 days in advance. The student will only be able to defend his/her thesis if the documentation is complete (copy of diploma, RG and CPF, birth/marriage certificate, required credits, MTP, proficiency, achievement index above 7.0, among others). Scholarship holders who defend their thesis before the 15th will no longer receive it the following month.
- After being approved in the master’s defense, the now Master must complete some formalities to apply for his/her master’s degree. Among them, s/he must deliver the final version of the thesis within the deadlines set by the examining committee.
- After the defense, the student should go to the POSMEC office to check the documentation list for the diploma application.
- The student must send the final version, with digital signatures of the supervisor and the program coordinator to the POSMEC office. E-mail:
- See the other measures at Diploma Request Process
- In order to issue the debt clearance certificate at the University Library, which is required to apply for a diploma, just follow the link.
- For a third party to receive your diploma, it is necessary to present a simple power of attorney, attaching a copy of a document with photo (RG, CPF or CNH) of the third party who will come to get the diploma. The power of attorney model should be as follows: Power of attorney