Metrology and Instrumentation


Metrology is the field of knowledge which deals with measurement and its reliability. Metrology is present in several aspects of everyday life and productive activity. It covers features such as:

  • Development, evaluation and application of measurement systems.
  • Quality assurance of products, processes and services.
  • Protection of the consumer and the environment.
  • Scientific and technological development.

The need for innovating has created new demands and expanded the employment market for graduate degree holders. The opportunities of employment in metrology and instrumentation include:

  • Scientific, technological and innovation research.
  • Technical, higher and graduate education.
  • Industrial quality assurance.
  • National metrological system (primary and secondary laboratories)
  • Innovative technology-based companies.

Pursuing studies in the Metrology and Instrumentation area involves attending courses, developing a dissertation or thesis, and doing management training. Courses are designed to provide students with the necessary technical, in-depth foundation in metrology. The dissertation or thesis work implicates on the methodological solution of a concrete metrology problem, usually associated with a subject of great interest to a sponsoring company. The management training is an additional component achieved through complementary activities that involve the ability to work in groups, subdivide and plan work, conduct meetings, and express oneself clearly in speaking and writing.

The Metrology and Instrumentation concentration area has its own website, which has a lot of additional information about the area. Visit us on

Lines of Research

  • Management of Metrology: Assurance of laboratory and industrial metrological reliability.
  • Means and Methods of Measurement: conception, development, evaluation, and application of innovative, efficient and reliable measuring instruments.


Armando Albertazzi Gonçalves Jr., Dr.Eng. (1989, UFSC – Brasil)

Carlos Alberto Flesch , Dr.Eng. (2001, UFSC – Brasil)

Gierri Waltrich, Dr. Eng. (2013, TU/e – Países Baixos)

Gustavo Daniel Donatelli, Dr.Eng. (1999, UFSC – Brasil)

Rodolfo César Costa Flesch, Dr.Eng. (2012, UFSC – Brasil)

Tiago Loureiro Figaro da Costa Pinto, Dr.Eng. (2010, UFSC – Brasil)


LABMETRO – Laboratory of Metrology and Automatization
Supervisor: Armando Albertazzi Gonçalves Jr.
Tel: +55 48 – 3239-2030
Fax: +55 48 – 3239-2009