Perguntas Frequentes
Common questions
Who should fill the reference sheets?
Someone who knows your academic performance and can evaluate your potential as researcher. Professors, undergraduate research supervisors, internship supervisors, project or work team coordinators usually provide this information. They are the people you indicate on the registration form.
For the doctoral program: the master’s supervisor sends a letter of recommendation and not a reference sheet. In case the master’s and doctoral supervisor are the same person, a single letter of recommendation can be sent.
Do I have to appear in person at POSMEC to register?
Although you are always welcome to visit us, there is no need to appear in person just to register. The documentation can be brought by someone else or sent by mail.
Who can receive a POSMEC graduate scholarship?
Master’s and doctoral students regularly enrolled who are dedicating themselves full time to graduate studies and who do not have an employment relationship.
Can a scholarship holder be a temporary lecturer?
According to CNPq, the scholarship holder may maintain employment if all the conditions of Joint Ordinance No. 01 of 07/15/2010 are met and a note for clarification is issued with CAPES. The student may hold a scholarship and a teaching position (this must come after the scholarship), provided that s/he has the authorization of the supervisor and of the program coordinator.
What is the duration of scholarships?
The duration of master’s scholarships is up to 24 months. The duration of doctoral scholarships is up to 48 months. Scholarships will not be extended. The student who gains a scholarship during the program (not in the first month) will receive it according to the months remaining until the regular deadline.
How are scholarships distributed?
Within each research area, POSMEC scholarships are distributed according to the order of classification resulting from the selection process. Additional scholarships, linked to research projects or to special human resource training programs, may be made available.
Is it possible to have more than one scholarship?
No. The agencies that offer graduate scholarships do not allow students to have more than one scholarship. However, in some cases it is possible to receive a supplement to the scholarship through working on research projects within the laboratories.
Is it possible to be awarded a scholarship during the course, even if it was not awarded in the admission selection?
Yes. Some scholarships become available throughout the program, due to completions, dismissals, and withdrawals. Thus, the student with the best curriculum (achievement index, published papers, completed course credits, among others) may receive a scholarship.
Is it possible to cancel the scholarship during the program?
Yes. In case of student dismissal or in cases of achievement index below the average allowed by the scholarship committee.
About the Selection Process
How is the selection process for the master’s program?
For the master’s program, a Selection Committee is appointed for each concentration area. Applications are analyzed one by one, observing items such as academic performance during undergraduate school, academic experience (research, tutoring), professional experience (internships or professional performance, when applicable), among others. Candidates are evaluated and ranked accordingly. Finally, the lists of approved candidates in each Concentration Area are released. The result is published on the POSMEC website and on the bulletin boards of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
How is the selection process for the Doctoral program?
A Selection Committee made up of specialists compatible with the candidate’s area of interest is created for each candidate. Academic performance during the master’s program, the quality of the master’s Thesis, the degree time, the work proposal and the suitability of the indicated supervisor are some of the aspects observed by the Selection Committee. In addition to deciding on the admission of a candidate, the Selection Committee defines which and how many credits from master’s and individual courses will be validated for the Doctorate.
When is the selection process for the Doctoral program?
At any time of the year. Classes can start every two months.
When is the selection process for the master’s program?
As of 2014, the selection process started to be carried out twice a year: in October and in May for students who will start classes in March or August, respectively.
When should I take the English proficiency test?
Since the end of 2014, UFSC started accepting TOEFL ITP certificates. The minimum score is 47 points in the reading section. The DLLE/CCE/UFSC certificate is also accepted, with a grade above 7.0. Other types of assessment are accepted, with a minimum of 60 class hours.
Registration Documents
I will graduate at the end of this year. My diploma will not be ready in time for the selection process. What should I do?
You can send us a statement from your undergraduate program attesting that you have completed the degree and are awaiting the issuance of the diploma or, if applicable, that you will probably graduate (completed the credits). The declaration will be sufficient for the selection process. The diploma must be presented at the administrative office on the date of enrollment.
What should the Study Plan contain?
The Study Plan consists of a brief description of the theme(s) and/or line(s) of research into which you would like to go in depth and develop the master’s thesis, and a brief justification for the choice. There is no need to point out the courses you want to take. In the selection process the Study Plan is used to assess the candidate’s ability to express him/herself and organize ideas. There is no obligation on either side to develop exactly what is proposed in it.
Withdrawal and dismissal of the program
Currently, the student who requests withdrawal within the regular deadline (without extension), has the right to request, through new participation in the admission selection process, the validation of the courses in which s/he has been approved. However, the decision on validation is left to the analysis committee. The deadline for validating course credits is currently up to 10 years from completion. The student who withdrawals from the program loses the right to validate course credits and other completed events, in the case of a new request to enter the program.
Other questions
How do I validate course credits taken before entering the master’s program (full-time students)?
The supervisor writes (stamps and signs) in the student’s transcript the request for the validation of the course credits (all or some of them). You must send the document to the administrative office of POSMEC.
How to move from the full-time regime to the part-time regime?
The student must send a memo to the program coordinator (with his/her transcript attached), justifying the request. If the student has an supervisor, s/he must sign the memo to show that s/he is aware of the request.
Does POSMEC pay for the review of academic papers?
Yes, just forward the review request to Ms. Siobhan via the email Only the REVISION is paid for, not the translation of the paper.
How do I defend my dissertation or thesis?
Request the approval of the council (see calendar on the website). After approval by the council, the location must be scheduled (on the website of the mechanical engineering department). Send the defense data to the email of POSMEC (in docx format). For the dissertation defense, the email address of external members must be informed, so that POSMEC will pay for travel and accommodation expenses. It should be informed at least 30 days in advance.
As a regular student, can I take a single course at another program at UFSC?
No. A student cannot be enrolled in two programs, as a regular student and as a special student.
As a regular student, can I take a course at another program at UFSC?
Yes. You must deliver the POSMEC registration application to the POSMEC office, completed and signed by you and your supervisor, within the term of enrollment for the other program.
How do I know if the deadline extension (master’s and doctoral students) has been granted?
Consult your transcript at CAPG or at POSMEC’s office. The student has the right to request a deadline extension if s/he submits the application 10 days before the regular deadline. The analysis is done by the program coordinator.
Note: for post-doctoral research, see “legislation and standards”;
How do I get financial support for attending conferences, seminars, and purchasing research materials?
You must send us a request (you can find the template on our website, on solicitação de recursos – financial support request) to participate in conferences/seminars. The right to obtain financial support for participating in conferences is only for regular students of the program, students who have already defended their thesis/dissertation cannot request it, because what counts is the date of the congress (CAPES). To purchase materials, you must send a memo (written document) requesting the purchase, including a cost estimate. The order will be analyzed by the coordinator, and after that the student will be authorized to arrange the purchase.
Is it possible to do part of the Doctoral degree abroad?
Yes. High performance Doctoral students can apply for the modality called “Sandwich Doctoral Program”. The student takes the courses at POSMEC and, after the approval of his/her Qualifying Exam, can develop part of his/her dissertation at a good university abroad for a period of 4 to 12 months. S/he will return to POSMEC to finish and defend the dissertation.
Does a student who defends his/her thesis/dissertation within the regular deadline have any benefits?
POSMEC scholarship holders whose defenses of the thesis or dissertation occur within the regular period (24 months for the master’s degree and 48 months for the doctoral degree) will receive as an additional benefit the payment of the expenses with the preparation of N + 3 copies of the final version of the thesis or dissertation, N being the number of members of the Examining Committee. See the data for the invoice in the financial support request (solicitação de recursos) tab. Payments will only be made if the invoice is in accordance with the instructions.